751 2nd St, Encinitas

Charlie’s Foreign Car Service has performed Audi auto repair in Encinitas since 1978

The most commonly asked question about these vehicles is timing belts. Audi has recently become a defendant in a class action lawsuit about timing belts. Starting around 1999 Audi recommended the replacement of the timing belt be at 105,000 mile intervals. The problem is the “timing belt” doesn’t last that long and are “failing” at an earlier date than prescribed. To generally combat this issue Audi now recommends replacing the “timing belt” at 75,000 mile intervals and also to have periodic inspections performed.

​Charlie’s Foreign Car Service has found that the “timing belt” is not the cause of failure, but it’s tensioners, pulleys, and water pumps are. If an Audi timing belt tensioner fails,this will cause the belt to fail, which in turn will cause catastrophic engine damage. Contact Us to learn about the recommended parts to replace while replacing the ”timing belt” on your Audi.

​Call us for any Audi auto repair or maintenance questions 760-753-4969

I'm Niko over from Charlie's Foreign Car in Encinitas California today we have an O nine a four with the bad timing chain problem this is the timing chain area completely taken down you can see here is the crank shaft right here the cylinder head is right up here we put all brand new valves all 16 of them inside here underneath each of these Springs what it did on this car is it bent all eight exhaust valves so you can get a close-up of that kind of spinning see that valve should be straight,  it is bent and all eight of them are bent.  All the exhaust valves all the intake valves did not get bent so when I spin it you should not be able to see any difference.

Audi A4 Timing Chain Repair

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