Vehicle Service History
We want you to feel secure and know we will not share your Vehicle Service History or personal information.
Need your Vehicle Service History?
The world is moving at a very fast pace right now. We get many calls and email requests from around the world asking for customers' previous history reports. Charlie's Foreign Car has taken a stand to not share any customer information or vehicle information with anyone else without written approval.
If you're calling from an auction line and you've found through CarFax that Charlie's has serviced this vehicle, we will not share any information. Please put yourself in the same shoes as the previous owner of the vehicle. You wouldn't want auto repair work that you paid for to become the property of someone else.
Personal Information Sharing
We do not share vehicle info with anyone or any outside party without having written (email) authorization from the vehicle owner who paid for service work.
We do not attempt to call a previous owner about sharing previous repairs with the new owner.
We do not give out previous owner information.
How to view and read the history of your car and what kind of plan is available to ensure your car is on a proper maintenance schedule that will allow your vehicle to run for a very long time.
Your History Is Private
We ensure the history of your car is private. We will not hand over your vehicles history or your spending history to anyone without your written permission.